The National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972 (NLS-72) is a study of over 21,000 individuals who were high school seniors in 1972. The goal of the study was to conduct intensive data collection from students from disadvantaged backgrounds. NLS-72 provided longitudinal data to educational policymakers and researchers that linked educational experiences with later outcomes such as early labor market experiences. Now, in 2024, NLS-72 participants are in their late 60s and early 70s and we are focusing on their health and wellbeing for the first time. We are collecting data related to cognition and other health measures, such as body weight and blood pressure. The goal of our research is to find links between these data and new biological measures that will provide insights into healthy aging.
R01 AG078533
Education and Cognitive Functioning in Later Life: The Nation’s High School Class of 1972
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