- Normal hours of operation: 9:00am-5:00pm Monday through Friday
You must have prior training and approval by a core employee before using any instrument. Training is completed after a core employee observes the proper use of a particular piece of equipment to ensure that the user understands the basic use and care of core platforms. ONLY CBBC PERSONNEL CAN TRAIN NEW USERS.
If you want to utilize core services outside of normal hours of operation, you must have prior approval and training in order to be granted access to the facility.
You MUST notify Core Employees if you plan to use unfixed samples.
Please clean all work surfaces after you are done. Cryostats must be cleaned thouroughly after use with 90% EtOH and allowed to dry completely before being put back into the cryostat.
- Sign in and out of the Logbook for any instrument you use. Please be sure to include important information such as account number, type of samples used and lamp hours.
- Minimum billable time on any instrument is 15 minutes. Minimum billable time on instruments that use a mercury (Hg) lamp is 30 minutes.
- Mercury lamps should be left on a MINIMUM of 30 minutes before shutting them off.
- If you need to cancel an appointment, notify a core employee AT LEAST one hour prior to your appointment to avoid being charged for your scheduled appointment.
If you are more than 30 minutes late for an appointment, and have not notified a core employee in advance, you will lose your spot and be charged for the time you signed up for.
- If you have not been trained, walk-in appointments may be made IF a core employee is available to help you. Trained users may make walk-in appointments on a First-Come-First-Serve basis.
- You may not use any of the microscopes or computer equipment in the CBBC core while wearing gloves. Gloves should only be worn in L4016.
Questions? Email to: David Burk.
CORE PHONE: 3-2653