RYSE: Family-based Approach for Healthy Lifestyles
Past Projects
TEAM UP: A Pragmatic Family-Centered Approach to Childhood Obesity Treatment
High Obesity Program (HOP) with the LSU Ag Center
An Intervention to Improve Motor Skills in Young Children
Translational Investigation of Growth and Everyday Routine in Kids (TIGER Kids)
American Diabetes Association’s Project Power
Gaming Technology to Encourage Healthy Weight and Activity in Youth
Pediatric Obesity Mini Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network Project
Evidence-Based Childhood Obesity Treatment: Improving Access and Systems of Care
Klub Kinect: Social Exergaming for Healthy Weight in Adolescent Girls
Sedentary behavior, eating disturbances, and weight gain in young adults
Title: The Dose Trial: Dose Intensity for Behavioral Interventions for Childhood Obesity
Sponsor: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
Investigators: William Heerman, MD, MPH (Vanderbilt University); Amanda Staiano, PhD, MPP (Pennington Biomedical Research Center)
Summary: The current recommendation from American Academy of Pediatrics and United States Preventive Services Taskforce (USPSTF) for children with obesity is that they receive an intensive behavioral intervention of 26 hours over 3-12 months. During the stakeholder engagement process for developing this study, the research team spoke with families who agreed to the need for less-intensive intervention strategies to meet the demands of their schedules. There is conflicting evidence about the optimal dose of behavioral interventions for childhood obesity treatment. It is unclear whether clinically meaningful weight loss can be achieved with fewer than 26 hours of intensive intervention. The goal of this study is to answer the question: Is the burden of 26 hours worth it? Or can we achieve equal weight loss for children with obesity from rural and minority populations by implementing a more feasible 13-hour intervention? Researchers will recruit 900 children ages 5-17 with a 95th percentile of BMI for age and sex in Tennessee and Louisiana. The study will enroll participants from urban, suburban, and rural communities who speak English or Spanish. The intervention is designed to apply health behavior change theory to improve children and adolescent with obesity and is delivered by pediatric healthcare providers, clinical nutritionists and social workers. The primary outcome is a change in a child’s weight over 12 months. Secondary outcomes include changes in child diet, physical activity, sleep, media use and quality of life. Researchers will also assess reach, feasibility, and accessibility of this approach for both participants and providers.
GamerFit is a series of studies stemming from the original GameSquad study, which indicated a 6-month at-home exercise program involving exergaming, Fitbit step monitoring, and telehealth coaching over video chats elicited high adherence and improved BMI z-score, cardiometabolic health, and physical activity levels among 10-12 year old children with overweight and obesity. GameSquad was then adapted to deliver to youth with autism spectrum disorder and other psychiatric diagnoses. Our team is collaborating with Dr. April Bowling of Merrimack College, Drs. Aviva Must and Dan Hatfield of Tufts University, and Drs. Linda Bandini and Carol Curtin of UMass Chan Medical School, on a pilot feasibility study "GamerFit-ASD: Engaging Children with Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities and their Parents to Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle: Piloting the Game Squad Home Exergaming and Virtual Health Coaching Intervention" funded by the Noonan Foundation. We are also partnered with Dr. April Bowling on an NICHD R21 "GamerFit: A Digital Interventon to Improve Physical Activity and Sleep Behaviors in Youth with Psychiatric Diagnoses" that began in March 2022 that will create an app to house the intervention components of GamerFit and test the app intervention in an RCT launching fall 2022.
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT05505578
Staiano AE, Beyl RA, Guan W, Hendrick CA, Hsia DS, Newton RL. Home-based exergaming among children with overweight and obesity: A randomized clinical trial. Pediatric Obesity 2018;13(11):724-733. Link to Paper.
Bowling AB, Slavet J, Hendrick C, Beyl RA, Nauta P, Augustyn M, Mbamalu M, Curtin C, Bandini L, Must A, Staiano AE. The adaptive GameSquad Xbox-based physical activity and health coaching intervention for youth with neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses: Pilot feasibility study. JMIR Formative Research. 2021;5(5):e24566. Link to Paper.
Bowling AB, Frazier JA, Staiano AE, Brodert-Fingert S, Curtin C. Presenting a new framework to improve engagement in physical activity programs for children and adolescents with social, emotional and behavioral disabilities. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2022;13:875181. Link to Paper.
SUNRISE is an international study bringing together researchers from low, middle, and high income countries around the globe to measure physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep for children under the age of 5 years. The SUNRISE Coordinating Center is based at University of Wollongong, Australia. Dr. Staiano, Dr. Katie Spring, and Dr. Kip Webster of University of Tennessee lead the SUNRISE USA Site and are actively enrolling families of 3 and 4 year old children across the US to participate. Learn more here: https://www.sunrise-us.org/#
Title: Family-based Approach for Healthy Lifestyles (RYSE)
Family-based Approach for Healthy Lifestyles (RYSE) is a Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-funded research program that evaluates the practical issues that arise when delivering Family-based Behavioral Treatment (FBT) for children with overweight and obesity in a real-world setting. From the research program, we aim to identify difficulties that the families face finding and receiving FBT treatment and opportunities that will make it easier for any family that wants to change their lifestyle. The specific goal of our research program is understanding how to increase access to this evidence-based, highly effective treatment among low-income families with children ages 5 to 12. Ultimately, we want to disseminate FBT as a packaged intervention across Missouri so that all children with overweight or obesity can access very easily this life-changing intervention.
With Washington University as the coordinating center, the RYSE research program is active at two regional clinical sites, Freeman Health Pediatrics in Joplin, Missouri and Children’s Mercy Pediatrics Clinics in Kansas City, Missouri. are recruiting for and conducting the research program for their communities. RYSE comprises both individual and group treatment delivery to optimize both family-specific tailoring and group dynamic support for success. The Staiano Lab serves as the Data Coordinating Center for the RYSE project.
For more info, visit: https://healthyweightandwellness.wustl.edu/research/ryse/
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT05212155
Past Projects
Title: A Pragmatic Family-Centered Approach to Childhood Obesity Treatment
Sponsor: PCORI PCS-2017C2-7542
Dual Principal Investigators: Denise Wilfley, Ph.D., and Stephen Cook, M.D.
Site Principal Investigator: Amanda Staiano, Ph.D.
Summary: To conduct a randomized comparative effectiveness trial to test the effectiveness of a 12-month, family-centered, scalable obesity treatment program delivered in primary care to underserved populations. This study and our research team is
part of a national group that was approved for a five-year
funding award sponsored by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute
to evaluate two treatments for children who have obesity. Read our PCORI FAQ and visit the PCORI
website for more details.
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03843424
TEAM UP is no longer enrolling families in designated primary care clinics in Louisiana.
Kennedy BM, Davison G, Fowler LA, Rodriguez-Guzman E, Collins ML, Baker A, Cook S, Lindros J, Wilfley DE, Zebrick A, Staiano AE. Perceptions of a pragmatic family-centered approach to childhood obesity and treatment. The Ochsner Journal. 2021, 21 (1) 30-40. Journal Link.
Staiano AE, Button AM, Baker A, Beyl R, Conn AM, Lima A, Lindros J, Newton RL, Stein RI, Welch RR, Cook S, Wilfley DE. A pragmatic trial of a family-centered approach to childhood obesity treatment: Rationale and study design. Accepted January 23, 2024, to Contemporary Clinical Trials.
Title: High Obesity Program (HOP) with the LSU Ag Center
Funded by CDC-RFA-DP18-1809
In partnership with Dr. Denise Holton, PI of the HOP Grant
The LSU AgCenter Healthy Communities initiative is partnering with LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center to assess community readiness for a Family Healthy Weight Program in rural parishes across the state. The program matches families with a trained coach to help parents and children establish healthy eating and physical activity habits, help families transform their homes and schools into healthier places, and teach parents and children life-long health strategies including goal setting, problem solving, behavior monitoring, and modeling positive behavior. The teams work with participants to assess the community and organizations for their readiness to establish this program. PBRC and the AgCenter also work together to decide who to target for the program, who will deliver the program, what existing assets we could use in the community, how to adapt the program to fit the local needs, and how to ensure the program is sustainable. Pre-assessment activities and interviews with key informants were completed to assess community readiness and interest, and focus groups and parent surveys are being completed in St. Helena and Assumption parish.
Title: An Intervention to Improve Motor Skills in Young Children
Sponsor: NICHD R21HD095035
multiple Principal Investigators: Amanda E. Staiano, Ph.D. and E. Kip Webster, Ph.D.
Co-Investigators: Robert Newton Jr., Ph.D., Robbie Beyl, Ph.D.
Summary: To adapt and test a behavioral intervention delivered on a smartphone application (“app”) to parents of preschoolers, with the goal of using videos and instructional content to teach fundamental motor skill proficiency to their preschool-aged children. The overall goal was to examine if using an app to help parents develop their children’s fundamental motor skills is an acceptable and feasible approach to improve children’s motor skills. As exploratory outcomes, we examined if the children improve their confidence, physical activity levels, and self-regulation skills, which will contribute to the children’s physical health and academic readiness.
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03901300
Staiano AE, Newton RL Jr, Beyl RA, Kracht CL, Hendrick CA, Viverito M, Webster EK. mHealth Intervention for motor skills: A randomized controlled trial. Pediatrics. 2022;149(5): e2021053362. PubMed Link.
Webster EK, Kracht CL, Newton RL Jr., Beyl RA, Staiano AE. Intervention to improve preschoolers’ fundamental motor skills: Protocol of a parent-focused, mobile app-based comparative effectiveness trial. JMIR Research Protocols. 2020 Oct 20;9(10):e19943. PubMed Link.
Staiano AE, Saha S, Beyl RA, Kracht CL, Newton, Jr RL, Webster EK. Parental engagement and implementation fidelity through a mHealth motor skills intervention for young children. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy Journal. 2023. ePub online. Doi: 10.1080/17408989.2023.2235394. Link to Article.
Title: Translational Investigation of Growth and Everyday Routine in Kids (TIGER Kids)
Sponsor: USDA
Principal Investigator: Amanda E. Staiano, Ph.D.
Co-Investigators: Robert Newton Jr., Ph.D., Peter Katzmarzyk, Ph.D., Stephanie Broyles, Ph.D., Catherine Champagne, Ph.D., RD, LDN
Medical Investigator: Daniel Hsia, M.D.
Summary: TIGER Kids enrolled 342 boys and girls ages 10 to 16 years from every weight category (normal weight, overweight, and obese). Researchers at Pennington Biomedical are using state-of-the-art technology, including activity trackers and global positioning system (GPS) information, to track physical activity, imaging to measure body fat, and messages sent through a mobile phone app (called ecological momentary assessment) to identify what motivates or prevents kids from being physically active. Participants attended an orientation session at Pennington Biomedical to learn about the study, sign consent and receive their activity tracking tools. These tools were returned at clinic visit approximately 1 week later. Assessments include body measurements, blood pressure, surveys, blood draw, dietary recall and body composition. Participants will repeat the activity monitor tracking and a second clinic visit 2 years later.
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02784509
Data collection has ended. Some of our initial findings are reported below:
Kracht, CL, Beyl, R., Maher, J.P., Katzmarzyk, P.T. & Staiano, A.E. Adolescents’ sedentary behavior, affect, and contextual factors: An ecological momentary assessment study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2021;18(1):53. PubMed Link.
Kepper MM, Staiano AE, Katzmarzyk PT, Reis RS, Eyler AA, Griffith DM, Kendall ML, ElBanna B, Denstel KD, Broyles ST. Using mixed methods to understand women’s parenting practices related to their child’s outdoor play and physical activity among families living in diverse neighborhood environments. Health and Place. 2020;62:102292. PubMed Link.
Kracht CL, Katzmarzyk PT, Staiano AE. Comparison of Visceral Adipose Tissue Measurements in Adolescents using DXA and MRI. Int J Obes. 2020 Jun 4. doi: 10.1038/s41366-020-0621-8. PubMed Link.
Kracht CL, Champagne CM, Hsia DS, Martin CK, Newton RL, Katzmarzyk PT, Staiano AE. Association between meeting physical activity, sleep, and dietary guidelines and cardiometabolic risk factors and adiposity in adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2020 Jun;66(6):733-739. PubMed Link.
Kepper MM, Staiano AE, Katzmarzyk PT, Reis R, Eyler A, Griffith DM, Kendall M, ElBanna B, Denstel KD, Broyles ST. Neighborhood influences on women’s parenting practices for adolescents’ outdoor play: A qualitative study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019;16(20):3853. PubMed Link.
Kracht CL, Chaput JP, Martin CK, Champagne CM, Katzmarzyk PT, Staiano AE. Associations of sleep with food cravings, diet, and obesity in adolescence. Nutrients. 2019 Nov 30;11(12):2899. PubMed Link.
Chen S, Kracht CL, Beyl RA, Staiano AE. Temporal changes in energy-balance behaviors and home factors in adolescents with normal weight and those with overweight or obesity. International Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 2023; 2(2) doi: 10.18122/ijpah.020205.boisestate. Link to Paper.
*Kracht CL, *Pochana S, Staiano AE. Relationship between moderate to vigorous physical activity, sedentary behavior, and depressive symptomatology in adolescents: A prospective observational cohort study. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 2023. Advance online publication. 2023;20(3):250-257. Link to Paper.
Kracht CL, Katzmarzyk PT, Champagne CM, Broyles ST, Hsia DS, Newton RL Jr, Staiano AE. Association between sleep, sedentary time, physical activity, and adiposity in adolescents: A longitudinal study. Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise. 2023;55:110-118. Link to Paper.
*Kracht CL, Katzmarzyk PT, Champagne CM, Broyles ST, Hsia DS, Newton RL Jr, Staiano AE. Association between sleep, sedentary time, physical activity, and adiposity in adolescents: A longitudinal study. Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise. 2022. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000003018. Online ahead of print. Link to Paper.
Kepper MM, Staiano AE, Broyles ST. The potential for bias across GPS-accelerometer combined wear criteria among adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022;19,5931. Link to Paper.
Staiano AE & Katzmarzyk PT. Visceral, subcutaneous, and total fat mass accumulation in a prospective cohort of adolescents. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2022; nqac129. PubMed Link.
*Kracht CL, *Wilburn J, Broyles ST, Katzmarzyk PT, Staiano AE. Association of night-time screen-viewing with adolescents’ diet, sleep, weight status, and adiposity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022;19:954. Link to Paper.
Fearnbach SN, Staiano AE, Johannsen NM, Hsia DS, Beyl RA, Carmichael OT, Martin CK. Post-exercise eating behavior profiles of adolescents ranging from overweight to severe obesity. Nutrients. 2022;14:223. Link to Paper.
Fowler LA, *Kracht CL, Denstel KD, Stewart TM, Staiano AE. Bullying experiences, body esteem, body dissatisfaction, and the moderating role of weight status among adolescents. Journal of Adolescence. 2021;91:59-70. PubMed Link.
Title: Painted Playgrounds: A scalable approach to increasing physical activity and motor skills in Louisiana preschool aged children
Sponsor: Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation, American Council on Exercise
Investigators: Maura Kepper, Ph.D. (Lead Investigator), Amanda Staiano, Ph.D., Stephanie Broyles, Ph.D., Elizabeth ("Kip") Webster, Ph.D.
Summary: Preschool is a critical period during which children develop fundamental motor skills, build confidence in their movement, and start a physical activity trajectory that follows through adolescence and beyond. Unfortunately, few sustainable interventions have succeeded in increasing preschool children’s physical activity, and subsequently children are developing obesity at alarming rates. A simple, low-cost strategy is the addition of colorful markings (i.e. hopscotch, foursquare, fun trails) to existing playgrounds or open spaces. These “painted playgrounds” have been shown to be effective to increase physical activity in older school-aged children but remain understudied in preschool children. The proposed project will implement and test the effectiveness of a scalable playground stenciling intervention to increase physical activity and fundamental motor skills and decrease sedentary behaviors among preschool aged children attending childcare centers.
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03890913
Results are under review at a scientific journal.
Webster EK, Kepper MM, *Saha S, Beyl RA, *Kracht CL, St. Romain J, & Staiano AE. Painted playgrounds for preschoolers’ physical activity and fundamental motor skill improvement: A randomized controlled pilot trial of effectiveness. BMC Pediatrics. 2023; 23(455). PMCID: PMC10492343. PMID: 37689622. Journal Link.
Title: Our Lifestyles, Our Lives: Obesity Treatment and Physical Activity Promotion for Underserved Children and Adolescents
Sponsor: American Council on Exercise and Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Foundation
Principal Investigator: Amanda E. Staiano, Ph.D.
Co-Investigators: Daniel Hsia, M.D., Peter Katzmarzyk, Ph.D., Robert Newton, Ph.D., Patrice Tyson, M.D., Savarra Mantzor, M.D.
Summary: The project aims to evaluate and adapt a 10-week pediatric obesity program delivered in a primary care provider clinical setting to increase the efficacy of achieving clinically significant weight loss in overweight and obese children. Main study outcomes are change in weight and body mass index (BMI) z-score. Secondary outcome variables include improvements in pedometer-assessed physical activity, quality of life, and physical activity enjoyment.
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02965729
The research portion of this project has ended. Results are available here:
Staiano AE, Beyl RA, Hsia DS, Katzmarzyk PT, Mantzor S, Newton RL, Jarrell A, & Tyson P. Step tracking with goals increases children’s weight loss in a behavioral intervention. Childhood Obesity 2017;13(4):283-290. PubMed Link.
Title: American Diabetes Association’s Project Power
Sponsor: American Council on Exercise, American Diabetes Association
Principal Investigator: Amanda E. Staiano, Ph.D.
Co-Investigator: Kathryn Lynn McKey, M.S.
Medical Investigator: Daniel Hsia, M.D.
Summary: The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of a one week healthy lifestyle summer camp on children’s weight, self-reported health behaviors, quality of life, mood and feelings, self-esteem, weight management efficacy, enjoyment of physical activity, and body image, among children who are at risk for obesity and type 2 diabetes.
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier:
Results are available here:
Staiano AE, Dominique N, McKey K, Hebert C, Hendrick C, Hsia DS, Davis K, Martin M, Woolley R, Mueller K. Healthy lifestyle summer camp for children at risk for type 2 diabetes: Reductions in weight and screen-time usage. Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC, March 8th, 2019.
Title: Gaming Technology to Encourage Healthy Weight and Activity in Youth
Sponsor: American Heart Association (Grant-in-Aid – Southeast Affiliate)
Principal Investigator: Amanda E. Staiano, Ph.D.
Co-Investigators: Robert Newton Jr., Ph.D.
Medical Investigator: Daniel Hsia, M.D.
Summary: The goal of this randomized controlled trial is to test the efficacy of exergaming, i.e. video gaming that involves physical activity, to reduce adiposity in overweight and obese children. The study is a 6-month, 2-arm randomized controlled trial among 46 overweight/obese children (aged 10 to 12 years) assigned to: 1) 3 hours/week of in-home exergaming or 2) a control group. An innovative aspect is the inclusion of a fitness trainer who will regularly videochat with the participant and virtually monitor gameplay. The primary aim is to test the hypothesis that after 6 months, children randomized to an exergaming-based physical activity intervention will decrease BMIz compared to a control group. Body fat and ideal health factors (i.e. blood pressure, total cholesterol, fasting glucose) and behaviors (i.e. physical activity, diet, and smoking status) will be investigated as secondary outcomes between baseline and month 6 of the intervention.
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02560493
Results are available here:
Staiano AE, Beyl RA, Guan W, Hendrick CA, Newton RL. Home-based exergaming among children with overweight and obesity: A randomized clinical trial. Pediatric Obesity 2018;13(11):724-733.2018;13:724-733. Link to Paper.
Pause & Play
Title: Physical Activity and Screen-Time Regulations in Child Care Centers: Influence on Young Children’s Health Behaviors
Partner Organization: Mayor's Healthy City Initiative
Sponsor: NIH National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (U54MD008602), Gulf States Health Policy Center
Principal Investigator: Amanda E. Staiano, Ph.D.
Co-Principal Investigator: Andy Allen (Director of the Mayor's Healthy City Initiative; Community Outreach Coordinator for the Office of the Mayor-President)
Co-Investigator: Corby Martin, Ph.D.
Summary: Louisiana’s Department of Education (DOE) is implementing new regulations for children in childcare settings in 2015 to comply with national recommendations: 1) physical activity of at least 1 hour/day and 2) screen-time limited to 2 hours/day. The DOE is also providing extensive training and programmatic support to the centers. Together with the Office of the Mayor-President of Baton Rouge, we propose the following aims: 1) to examine the physical activity and screen-time environment of licensed childcare centers before and after the enactment of new state regulations; 2) to examine the physical activity and screen-time behaviors of children enrolled in childcare centers before and after the enactment of new state regulations; and 3) to establish community strategies to improve young children’s health behaviors.
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02751814
Results are available here:
Staiano AE, Allen AT, Fowler W, Gustat J, Kepper MM, Lewis L, Martin CK, St. Romain J, Webster EK. State licensing regulations on screen-time in childcare centers: An impetus for participatory action research. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action. 2018;12:101-109. Link to Paper.
Staiano AE, Webster EK, Allen AT, Jarrell AR, Martin CK. Screen-time policies and practices in early care and education centers in relationship to child physical activity. Childhood Obesity. 2018;14(6):341-348. Link to Paper.
Webster EK, Martin CK, Staiano AE. Fundamental motor skills, physical activity, and screen-time in preschoolers. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 2018. In press. Link to Paper.
Kracht CL, Webster E, Staiano AE. A natural experiment of state-level physical activity and screen-time policy changes: Early childhood education (ECE) centers and child physical activity. BMC Public Health. 2020 Mar 24;20(1):387. PubMed Link.
Kracht CL, Webster EK, Staiano AE. Relationship between the 24-hour movement guidelines and fundamental motor skills in preschoolers. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 2020 Dec;23(12):1185-1190. PubMed Link.
Joseph E, Kracht CL, St. Romain J, Allen AT, Barbaree C, Martin CK, Staiano AE. Young children’s screen-time and physical activity: Perspectives of parents and early care and education center providers. Global Pediatric Health. 2019 Jul 24;6:2333794X19865856. PubMed Link.
Webster EK, Martin CK, Staiano AE. Fundamental motor skills, physical activity, and screen-time in preschoolers. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 2019 Mar;8(2):114-121. PubMed Link.
Staiano AE, Webster EK, Allen AT, Jarrell AR, Martin CK. Screen-time policies and practices in early care and education centers in relationship to child physical activity. Childhood Obesity 2018 Aug/Sept;14(6):341-348. PubMed Link.
Staiano AE, Allen AT, Fowler W, Gustat J, Kepper MM, Lewis L, Martin CK, St. Romain J, Webster EK. State licensing regulations on screen-time in childcare centers: An impetus for participatory action research. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action. 2018;12(1S):101-109. PubMed Link.
Project I-PAL
Title: An Interactive Physical Activity Lab Designed to Bring Real World Experiences to the Classroom and Support Healthy Development among Louisiana’s Children and Youth.
Sponsor: Louisiana Board of Regents (Undergraduate Enhancement Program)
Principal Investigator: Holly Kihm, Ph.D., Family & Consumer Sciences, Southeastern University
Co-Principal Investigator: Amanda E. Staiano, Ph.D.
Summary: The purpose of Project I-PAL (Interactive Physical Activity Lab) is to create a classroom space for the Family and Consumer Sciences program at Southeastern Louisiana University that will accommodate digital health technology and fitness equipment developed specifically for children and adolescents. The project serves a dual purpose of providing hands-on training experience for undergraduate students while laying a foundation for collaborative research opportunities.
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03297541
Results are available here:
Staiano AE, Kihm HS, Sandoval P. The use of competition to elicit vigorous intensity physical activity during children's exergame play. Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences. 2018;110(3):39-47. Link to Paper.
Sandoval P, Staiano AE, Kihm H. The influence of visual and auditory stimuli on intensity of physical activity in school-aged children. The Physical Educator. In Press.
Kihm H, Staiano AE, Sandoval P. Southeastern’s Family and Consumer Sciences launches Project IPAL to enhance the well-being of elementary school children. Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences. 2017;109(1):54-56. Link to Paper.
Pediatric Obesity MiniCoIIN: Screen Time Project
Title: Pediatric Obesity Mini Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network Project
Sponsor: Association of State Public Health Nutritionists
Project Team: Leslie Lewis, MPH, RD, Lisa Brochard, Kate Holmes, MPH, Amanda E. Staiano, Ph.D.
Summary: This project is a collaboration with the Louisiana Department of Education and the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals and seeks to insure that policies and practices affecting early care and education (ECE) facilities result in improved nutrition, and physical activity; and reduced screen time.
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier:
Results are available here:
*Kracht CL, Gustat J, Gourley M, Lewis L, & Staiano AE. Strategies to implement state screen-time policies in early care and education centers. Journal of Louisiana Public Health Association. 2022;19:5931. Link to Paper.
Improving Access to Pediatric Obesity Treatment
Title: Evidence-Based Childhood Obesity Treatment: Improving Access and Systems of Care
Sponsor: Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research (R13 HS022816)
Principal Investigator: Denise Wilfley, Ph.D.
Summary: The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends clinicians screen children aged 6 years and older for obesity and offer or refer them to intensive counseling and behavioral interventions to improve their weight status. However, few children are receiving the treatment they need and obesity remains a leading public health crisis. We propose a small conference to serve as an intensive meeting of thought-leaders and stakeholders with a shared investment in increasing access to effective, evidence-based childhood obesity treatment. Deliverables will be disseminated to the broader community of childhood obesity stakeholders, including researchers, clinicians, policymakers, and the public, through publication, presentation at national meetings and via targeted webinars, and use of partner organization member networks and advocacy channels. Dr. Staiano serves on the Steering Committee and Planning Committee, along with members of The Obesity Society and the American Academy of Pediatrics.
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier:
Wilfley DE, Staiano AE, Altman M, Lindros J, Lima A, Hassink SG, Dietz WH, Cook S, & Improving Access and Systems of Care for Evidence-Based Childhood Obesity Treatment Conference W. Improving access and systems of care for evidence-based childhood obesity treatment: Conference key findings and next steps. Obesity. 2017;25(1):16-29. PubMed Link.
Klub Kinect: Social Exergaming for Healthy Weight in Adolescent Girls
Principal Investigator: Amanda E. Staiano, Ph.D.
Co-Investigators: Peter T. Katzmarzyk, Ph.D., Robert L. Newton Jr., Ph.D.
Medical Investigator: Daniel Hsia, M.D.
Project Manager: Arwen Marker, B.S.
To find out more about this study, click here.
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02003963
Project Summary: Klub Kinect was the pediatric pilot study for the Childhood Obesity & Diabetes Research Program at Pennington Biomedical. The purpose of Klub Kinect was to evaluate the feasibility of a 12-week exergaming dance program for adolescent girls. A dance-based exergame was selected because dance physical activity interventions have demonstrated acceptability and enjoyment by adolescent girls, most notably in the Stanford Girls’ health Enrichment Multi-site Studies (GEMS), which observed improved cardiometabolic health following a 2-year dance intervention. We aimed to determine the feasibility of recruiting, enrolling, and following overweight and obese adolescent girls in a 12-week exergaming program versus self-directed care. We also assessed changes in body weight, body fat, visceral adiposity, cardiovascular risk factors, physical activity, peer support, health-related quality of life, and self-efficacy towards exercise.
Results are available here:
Staiano AE, Marker AM, Beyl RA, Hsia DS, Katzmarzyk PT, Newton RN. A randomized controlled trial of dance exergaming for exercise training in overweight and obese adolescent girls. Pediatric Obesity. 2016; 12(2):120-128. PubMed Link.
Staiano AE, Beyl RA, Hsia DS, Katzmarzyk PT, Newton RL. Twelve weeks of dance exergaming in overweight and obese adolescent girls: transfer effects on physical activity, screen-time, and self-efficacy. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 2017;6(1):4-10. Link to Paper.
Staiano AE, Beyl RA, Hsia DS, Katzmarzyk PT, Newton RL. A 12-week randomized controlled pilot study of dance exergaming in a group: Influence on psychosocial factors in adolescent girls. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace. 2018;12(2). Link to Paper.
Title: Sedentary behavior, eating disturbances, and weight gain in young adults
Sponsor: NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences (#1U54GM104940-01), Louisiana Clinical & Translational Sciences Center (LA CaTS)
Principal Investigator: Amanda Staiano
Mentors: Peter Katzmarzyk, Corby Martin, Jennifer Rood
Brief Description: The goal of this Roadmap Scholar Award is to equip the Candidate with the necessary training and pilot data to support and statistically power a competitive R01 application to manipulate sedentary behaviors in order to reduce energy intake, improve eating behaviors, increase physical activity, and reduce excessive weight gain.
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier:
Results are available here:
Staiano AE, Marker AM, Martin CK, Katzmarzyk PT. Physical activity, mental health, and weight gain in a longitudinal observational cohort of nonobese young adults. Obesity. 2016;24(9):1969-1975. PubMed Link.
Staiano AE, Martin CK, Champagne CM, Rood JC, Katzmarzyk PT. Sedentary time, physical activity, and adiposity in a longitudinal cohort of non-obese young adults. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2018;108(5):946-952. Link to Paper.
Title: Reducing Obesity and Diabetes Risks during Childhood: Planning Grant to Develop a Model Program for Implementation in Federally-Qualified Health Centers & School-Based Health Centers
Sponsor: Baptist Community Ministries
Co-Principal Investigators: Amanda E. Staiano, Ph.D., James Comeaux (Access Health Louisiana)
Summary: The work involved designing a model program to reduce risks for obesity and diabetes in children for implementation in federally-qualified health centers (FQHCs) and associated school-based health clinics. The work was conducted in collaboration with Access Health Louisiana, a FQHC operating in the New Orleans area.
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: linicalTrials.gov Identifier:
Results are available here:
Staiano AE, Marker AM, Comeaux J, Frelier JM, Hsia DS, & Broyles ST. Family-based behavioral treatment for childhood obesity: Caretaker-reported barriers and facilitators. Ochsner Journal .2017;17(1):83-92. Link to Paper.