Kem Singletary
(225) 763-0924
Chris Morrison
(225) 763-3145
Jennifer Terrebonne
(225) 763-3121
Animal Metabolism &
Behavior Core
Pennington Biomedical
Research Center
6400 Perkins Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
8am - 4pm M-F
Closed Holidays
Animal Metabolism & Behavior Core
TSE Policies
- Billing
- Use of the TSE is billed on a per day ($90) or per week basis ($400).
- The minimum fee is for 3 days ($270) – set up day (2-3 hours), run day, breakdown day (1-2 hours).
- A weekly run ($400) = set up day, 5 run days, breakdown day.
- If you choose to run 4-6 days you will be charged the weekly rate ($400).
- Scheduling
- All scheduling must be done using the booked calendars. You can find a link to the calendars on PINE. Under the AMBC folder you will find a link to Scheduling. This link will have a shortcut to the Metabolic Calendar as well as a manual on how to reserve using the booked calendar. If you have not logged on to the calendar in the past please contact Jennifer Terrebonne for more information.
- Reservations are first come first serve.
- The AMBC advises you to run your experiment from Monday through Friday because the AMBC staff DOES NOT check the system on weekends, (or when on vacation or on regular PBRC holidays). During these times lab personnel will be running without AMBC staff support. If there is a system malfunction occurs during these times it would not be caught until normal business hours resume.
- Cancelation policies
- An accepted reservation must be cancelled a minimum of 7 days before the scheduled start of the experiment. If you fail to do so you will be charged the minimum fee ($270).
- Responsibilities of the experimenter
- Habituation
- Habituation should start 3-7 days prior to the setup day. Animals are habituated in the investigator’s conventional room using special equipment designed by TSE.
- If the animals are multi-housed the AMBC recommends 1-2 days of habituation in multi-housed cages. Followed by 5 days of habituation with the animals single-housed.
- If the animals are currently single-housed the AMBC recommends 3-5days of habituation.
- The training/habituation cage tops, water bottles, and food hoppers can be found in E1077.
- Lab personnel are responsible for putting on the lids and making sure the mice have food and water daily. Lab personnel are responsible for refilling food and water as needed.
- If you are using rats you must notify CBC staff 3 days in advance so they can bring in special racks to fit the rat TSE tops.
- Lab personnel are responsible for cleaning lids, water bottles, and food hoppers the day the animal is removed from the training cage and put into the system. If the user fails to do follow the cleaning policies and timeline stated above, your lab will be charged a $150 for completing the cleaning responsibilities.
- Set up day **Must have AMBC staff present**
- All lab personnel that will be hands-on with the equipment and animals during the experiment must be present at startup. This will allow AMBC staff to properly train all lab personnel.
- Lab personnel must provide animals, bodyweight, and animal ID numbers for all animals going into the system.
- During an experiment
- Lab personnel must change cage bottoms every 7 days.
- Lab personnel must empty and refill water bottles every 7 days. If the experiment lasts longer than 7 days the food and water bottles must be washed every 14 days.
- Lab personnel are responsible for making sure the mice have food and water daily. Lab personnel are responsible for refilling food and water as needed.
- Lab personnel are responsible for checking the metabolic readouts to ensure that the readouts are within your expected range.
- Breakdown day
- Laboratory personnel are responsible for cleaning the cage lids, cage bottoms, water bottles, and food hoppers on the day the animals are removed from the system. This must be complete by 12 noon on breakdown day.
- Lab personnel must remove all animals and return them to a home cage in accordance with CBC guidelines on the day they are scheduled to end their study.
- Lab personnel are responsible for cleaning all TSE parts. A complete cleaning manual is available in the room.
- Handle all TSE parts carefully. If you notice or cause a crack in the cage bottom or lid please notify AMBC staff immediately. Cracks will cause inaccuracies in measurements.
- After cleaning all parts must be laid to dry.
- If the user fails to do follow the cleaning policies and timeline stated above, your lab will be charged a $150 for completing the cleaning responsibilities.
- Lab personnel are responsible for extracting their data by using the TSE software. Data will be emailed to the user after the experiment is completed. Users can also use a jump drive to remove data from the TSE computer.
- TSE software can be installed on lab personnel’s computer by Jennifer Terrebonne.
- Routine Quality Control done by Metabolic Core staff
- Annually the system will have a PM visit from TSE Systems.
- Bi-annually AMBC staff will change inline filters, check the activity frames, and calibrate the temperature sensors.